Wednesday, April 9, 2008

4 1/2 Weeks!!!

Hey Everybody!

Thanks for praying for us while we visited Utah. We had a great trip! We got to worship with and share with Crossings Church in Payson. We were able to secure housing with a lady from the church, so we have the blessing of living in a house above a Christian (quite a rarity in Utah County). We got to see the area, have sweet fellowship with 2 young couples from Crossings, and visit for hours and hours with Mickie and Rendi (church planter and wife). JR put in tons of job applications and resumes. He has several good possibilities, but he hasn't found just the right thing yet. We would really love for JR to work just a part time job if the hourly rate was decent, so he has much more time to work with the church. So far the job options have been 45+ hours with a fairly long commute. We are praying that God will provide something more suitable, but he may have to take one of those until something else opens up.
We are still speaking at various churches in Texas and sharing our heart for the people of Utah (we have 2 more this month). Right now we are focused on preparing to move. We are contacting moving companies about estimates, and we are gathering donations from churches and individuals to help off-set the cost of moving. We're also starting the inevitable clean out and have a garage sale process. JR is still working tons of hours in his oil field job(41 hours as of Wed.), so pray for stamina for him there.
Emily visited the urologist on Apr. 1, but so far we have no news there. They simply scheduled more tests and appointments. We are limiting her to 32 oz. of fluid a day and restricting caffeine, chocolate, carbonation, and citrus, but we haven't seen any real improvements yet.
Our estimated move date is May 12, so we are pressing on towards that goal. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement; they are greatly appreciated.

*Home in Utah
*Great, rejuvenating trip to Utah
*Our move is now on the horizon!

Prayer Requests
*Partnerships with more churches
*Job for JR in Utah
*Stamina for JR now
*Funds for moving expenses
*Emily's health

Thank you for your prayers!

In Christ,

Becky Hopson

14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Rom. 10:14-15

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